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August Educator Spotlight: Carmen Waltz with Kevin Murphy COLOR.ME


Tell us a little about yourself:
I've been fascinated with hair, makeup and fashion for as long as I can remember and have held a variety of salon jobs, starting as a receptionist, moving on to assisting, then working as a stylist and salon manager. After almost 20(!) years in this fantastic industry, I'm now a salon owner, stylist and COLOR.ME educator based in Portland, Oregon. What can I say? I love to stay busy!
Why did you become an educator?
I have always considered myself to be a life-long learner and I really enjoy helping people make their own discoveries. It was this passion that made becoming an educator a natural fit. I am also a HUGE hair color nerd!
What inspires you to teach for Kevin Murphy COLOR.ME?

I have so much admiration and respect for the choices that Kevin Murphy makes with his brand. And, of course, I'm a huge fan of his trendsetting work as a session stylist. COLOR.ME is such a natural extension of what Kevin Murphy is doing with hair care and styling.  It's a joy to work with such a beautiful range of colors and to be a part of an incredibly talented and supportive education team. And I'm also incredibly proud of the choices COLOR.ME has made in terms of how we source our naturally derived ingredients, manufacture our color and commit to being cruelty free!!  All of these things inspire me as an educator along with all of the great feedback I hear from salons using COLOR.ME.
What is your favorite part about being an educator?

The people. Being surrounded by so many talented stylists out in the field and getting to share our experiences is by far my favorite aspect of educating. I really enjoying seeing people succeed and if I can contribute in even a small way, it's really rewarding.
Every colorist has their favorite formula! What is yours?

This is tough because our Reflects are so lovely on their own! But here is one of my go-to formulas for a natural wheat blonde:
20g 10.2 (10B) + 10g 10.1 (10A) + 6g Soft Violet BOOSTER + 45ml CREME.ACTIVATOR (volume will depend on your starting DEPTH)

I also have to add that I'm obsessed with our CREME.LIGHTENER, especially for freehand lightening techniques.
What is your favorite color trend happening right now?

I really like that hair color trends are becoming more wearable for our clients. Collections like COLOR.ME's Precious Metals really showcase beautifully crafted colors that are realistic for almost anyone, but also give us unexpected twists to keep them exciting and fresh!
Where do you find inspiration?

I find inspiration everywhere- but fashion is always my first go-to. I am especially interested in vintage clothing and hair trends because they always seem to give me fun ideas.
Who are your role models? Why?

I am inspired by anyone who is dedicated to what they love. I believe that success in life can only be measured by the goals you set forth for yourself whether it be at work or at home.
Where can we see your work?

All over Portland! But also on Instagram: @carmenwaltz_loveshair (you might also see my cute kids and dogs on there too).
What advice do you have for stylists and aspiring educators?

Be brave! If it scares you, it's definitely worth it.

Take every opportunity to learn. I learn the most when I'm teaching- but I also spend a lot of time observing in the salon and ask a lot of questions.

Remember that sometimes your "failures" will teach you a lot more than your "successes."